Freaks, all of yez
Your overwhelming response to my last post leaves me with no alternative but to conclude that y'all are as unbalanced as I am. 315 comments on that post, out-fucking-rageous!
Please feel free to continue commenting on the movie quotes thread, if that's what flips your flapjacks, because I find it amusing as a dog in silk pajamas.
In the meantime, because I feel so close to you all now, I'll share with you a fresh vision, nay, a breakfast miracle:

Behold the Groucho Grits.
Because, I love you, man. You, the Internet as a Whole.
Please feel free to continue commenting on the movie quotes thread, if that's what flips your flapjacks, because I find it amusing as a dog in silk pajamas.
In the meantime, because I feel so close to you all now, I'll share with you a fresh vision, nay, a breakfast miracle:
Behold the Groucho Grits.
Because, I love you, man. You, the Internet as a Whole.
36 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
Ain't it fun to be "unbalanced!" Sure beats "normal!"
That was really fun. The comments were really flying.
First, I totally wanna have movie night with nuggetmaven and ladybug. Now, most of mine are already there, but, ahem...
"How'd you like to get your ass kicked by someone wearing these pants?"
"Roast chicken?"
"He's bona fide."
"Turn to the right."
"I wasn't always like this."
"We met at an IBS weekend -- Irritable Bowel Singles."
"I am G.H. Dorr, Ph.D."
"Phd? Like Elmer?"
"Did your late husband blow the shofar?"
"My husband never blew no chauffeur!"
I couldn't play - :( I am completely unable to EVER remember movie quotes.
but I love movies, 'kay?
"Nobody puts Bucky in a corner."
Wow! Groucho Grits! They don't sell those where I live.....
OK, one more. I left one at the other post.
"I'm gonna R-U-N-N-O-F-T!"
HOLY CRAP, Bucky! You need to put them thar grits on eBay, girl! They'd get SNAPPED up.
Forget the grits, I want some Krispy Kreme.
"Goddamn bugs."
Oh, SHE, I LOVE that one. That's what we say about our dog all the time, when he goes over the fence. And my daughter doesn't know where it comes from, she just accepts it as a proper term. When Biscuit runs away, she'll call up her Dad, "Daddy, he R-U-N-N-O-F-T again!"
So, Grits are what? Cream of wheat? or Red River cereal or porridge? What are they?
Nice Groucho!
Those comments sure wasted a lot of my time yesterday--lots of fun--thanks!
And here's one more that my hubby and I quote all to often:
"Did you grab my ass?" "from across the room it is physically impossible to grab your ass, sir." "Did you want to grab my ass?"
That's Groucho? Dude, I totally thought that was a melted snowman...
Normal is over-rated. At least, that's what I hear...
Susie is right. Nobody puts Bucky in a corner.
In a straightjacket, yes.
In a corner? Never!
Are them cheesey grits? mmmm, grits. Groucho Grits don' need no salt, neither. He's plenty salty - and peppery!
Day late, dollar short on this movie thing. Pulp Fiction & Best in Show are the two most-quoted movies in our house. Particularly because Polly has a BIZZY BEE toy, not a bear in a bee suit.
You are so totally not gonna believe this.
I dreamed about grits last night.
I don't eat grits. No one I know eats grits.
But last night I dreamed I was at the store, trying to find a package of grits. (They came in packages like Ramen noodles, in my dream.)
And here you are posting your Groucho grits. How freaky is that?
Strange. Last night I dreamed there were Ladybugs in my Grits. Turns out it was Groucho.
How do these things get started?
It is a freakin' miracle. Seriously. Was Groucho weeping as well?
"She turned me into a Newt!"
:::mob looks at man:::
"Well...I got better."
"Burn her anyway!"
that was a riot. I totally could have been called on by the authorities for neglecting my kids whilst I spent almost an hour reading all those and thinking about all those delicious movies.
My blog addy changed.
its now
ok, you want
freaky?a sound clip for Miss Caverna
PS: I meant to mention this yesterday, but that dude in your masthead... his nose is unsettling to me. It's kinda like Gerard DePardieu or Owen Wilson's penis shaped probosis. I can't stop looking at it.
I'm oddly aroused. Oddly, I tell you!!! I want to sit on his face and yell, "Damnit Pinnochio... LIE DAMNIT! LIE!!!"
Oh shit, that Biggus Dickus comment is going to drive me apeshit! I know I saw the movie... what was it again?
Susie wants to watch movies with ME? I'm honored! What makes you say that?
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go scotchguard my panties.
History of the World Part 1 - a Mel Brooks masterpiece.
Grits=hominy/cornmeal porridge, cooked slowly over a low heat... creamy, delish... stick to your ribs good eatin'!!!!
"I'll bite your knees off!!!"
"Biggus Dickus" is from Monty Python's Life of Brian
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