Colder than a cold shoulder
Titled 42 with the caption: Dont spend so much time worrying about all the answers Wobbles, it's all just going to end up at 42.
Since not all of you spend a shameful amount of time at the eye carnival that is Flickr, I felt like it was my civic duty to import the comment thread from this picture. Plus - I'm, like, kind of working right now, so this is a nice, low-impact post. But enough jibba jabba. Comment thread follows:
| Bucky Four-Eyes |
| Jessicarabbit1313 |
| Bucky Four-Eyes |
| Jessicarabbit1313 |
| Bucky Four-Eyes |
| Jessicarabbit1313 |
| Bucky Four-Eyes |
| Squirl |
Disclaimer: I would no more stick a popsicle up a cat's ass than I would bathe in holy water. Both would result in serious injury to my person in general and my skin in particular.
20 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
Crazy crazy as shit.
Just shit.
Did I say that already?
Yea, now I'm pretty sure lovin' you is wrong :p
This is why I return to this site.
Notice I didn't say:
"This is why I come here..."
That would be wrong.'s anus is yummy.
That cat looks blue - how cool is that? Is he just blue from the cold from the sphinctersicles?
You and Jess's cat have an unholy relationship.
:::scribbling furiously:::
:::wondering if I can find my old psychology professor's address, she'd go ape-shit over a case study like this:::
Ahh, what are siblings for?
Bucky, you play all of the parts extremely well. What’s all this anus stuff? Do you have unmet needs?
Eclectic, just mention the words “schizophrenia” and “multiple” to your old psychology professor. That should do the trick.
Poor Wobbles. No one loves him, he has to eat worms, life is awful, dogs chase him to lick his head and give him a kitty mohawk and YOU cant leave his poor starfish alone.
People, you should see how many of my flickr pics that this alleged woman has tagged and noted with anus and starfish and puppy coochie shout outs.
Some of the pictures dont even have visable starfish, but she still points out, on POOR WOBBLES, while he is just trying to do his yoga, where his little pink friend is.
He is just trying to figure out how you being obsessed with his anus added up to 42. When he figures it out and lets me know, expect a tersely worded email from us both.
so that's where all the popsicles went...
Pity the plain people. Well, except the Amish I guess. They sort of go for that sort of thing.
Bucky, I'm convinced. You're one of those eccentric geniuses, ain't ya? Go on, you can tell us...
Doing best Homer Simpson impersonation here.... Mmmmmm! Cat's Anus! Mmmmm!
Has the cat fled in terror yet?
i had a sex dream last night. it doesn't involve cats. or popcycles. but it does involve you, my boobs and a bag of pot.
you can find it on Cat's blog, comment section.
You are such a freak, you're getting into my dreams!
Pissy - What, like you were never tempted by the cat's ass?
Susie - I never denied it!
M_D - I see you've learned to choose your words...carefully.
Jim - yes, Wobbles is blue because he's shivering from the inside out. And you are wrong. Wobbles and I have an ASS-holy relationship.
Eclectic - just hand me over in a basket.
Nikki - yes, it's masthead - glad you like!
So, if I end up on the 8th floor, does this preclude my doing those speaking tours?
JD's Rose - at least Squirl never thwacked me on top of the head repeatedly like my bro Timmy did.
SS Nick - I think I may be an anusaholic.
Jess - I love how you "forget" to mention that you hold Wobbles' legs for me while I perform my popsicle dippin'.
And if I don't tag the starfish, who will? This is important work.
Awaiting the tersely worded email.
With a banana popsicle in my hand.
Song - you've discovered the secret Popsicle Mines of Wobbles' Ass.
Mr. B - Why is it that those men in Amish hats and their beards always make me want to chase them down with a popsicle?
CKelli - Eccentric genius? Well, um, sure! heheheheh
If by "eccentric" you mean "demented" and if by "genius" you mean "idiot savant." Then yes.
Nugget - hey! Wait your turn like everyone else!
Fuckkit - strangely, Wobbles twitches a little but does not try for quick escapes.
Kristine - oh dear lord. I thought only I dreamed about mashed potatoes...
The thing that really scares me is how much Wobbles reminds me of the cat I used to have, Sammy. Did you do the popsicle thing to him when I wasn't looking?
Are you calling Amish men pussies? Personally, I don't care, I just wanted clarification.
You're the only blogger I've ever dreamed about, Bucky. I'm sure it was disturbing . . .
Is it true that you're going to be selling,
"I would no more stick a popsicle up a cat's ass than I would bathe in holy water." T-shirts?
Maybe on the back, the universal NO symbol over a picture of Wobbles and a popsicle?
Oh my gosh your a crazy woman!! Crazy popsicle, cat ass, crazy!
But, I always laugh over here, so its all good.
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