the Bucky Four-Eyes Cotillion

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Ass is more

I've decided to take Adventure Tchtotchkes! down to once a week in order to bring you even better-crafted ass jokes and the occasional video - I want to get back to Final Cut Express before I forget everything and have to watch the tutorial again. Cookie Nipples has lit a fire under my plumber's crack. There's also a longer story in the works (aiming for about 10 pages), and this will give me more time to get that put together. Buster and Pike are receiving a facelift in the meantime, because nothing says "summertime" quite so succinctly as a butt plug makeover.

Back to work, then. Another grueling night of photographing the Play-Doh bong and pondering the proper spelling of fart noises.


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