the Bucky Four-Eyes Cotillion

Friday, July 17, 2015

Remember the family crest

My next animation project is never far from my mind, but I haven't had the stomach to tackle another one yet. I've got a lot of unused, strange film footage that makes sense to no one, least of all to me, so that will probably be my starting point. I like to start out confused and take you all along with me for the ride. In the meantime, have a flashback helping of the last project I lived through.

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Friday, July 10, 2015

Doh. Oh, dear.

After a year's trial separation, Play-Doh and I are back together again. Portraiture, comics, we'll see what happens. We have an open relationship - I'm free to see other media, and Play-Doh is free to see the inside of its can. (Much as people would like to believe it's the next step on our slippery slope to Hellinahandbasketville, I cannot legally marry my Play-Doh. Just between you and me, I like it this way. It's dirtier.)

"Old Salt just kicked your ass"

Old Salt just kicked your ass

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