Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Previously on the Cotillion
- High-speed devil dog
- They say I'm cocky, and I say "What?"
- Don't lilac that to me
- The pooch in my pants
- Like a broken record
- Mix CD: Chick Songs I
- Tardist strikes!
- Mix CD: SNAFU (Situation Normal, All Funked Up)
- Check out these knockers!
- Bitch hiding behind camera

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22 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
That is so cool. And its good to know you have such talented fingers.
you're never to young to be a hippie!
peace, love & finger painting
also, your painting is lovely.
Thanks, you delightful biatches! I always figgered I was born too late, but now I think it's OK to be a hippie again, so here I am, maaaaaan.
Oh, and Jess -- Jim often gives thanks for my talented fingers as well.
Wow, Bucky, that's wonderful. Who is it, to you? I really like it, I can't even think of anything snarky to say.
Roger Daltry after a show?
Jimmy Page? cool painting.
Being a hippie is a state o mind bucky. Not governed by age in my view.
Where does one buy an original Bucky Four-Eyes painting if one were so inclined because one likes Bucky's paintings and thinks that Bucky has more talent than should be allowed?
PS - MrB - I ordered PSP 9, dude. Don't steer me wrong, now.
Youse guys are so sweet! There was actually no model or anyone in mind for this painting. He lives only in the dirty, dirty crevices of my mind. He's locked in there with Taye Diggs and LL Cool J, and they'd probably all like to be rescued. Don't listen to their cries for help.
Dazed, seriously? You'd buy my paint splatter crap? I know I'm not your type, but dammit, I love you, man!
So, would youse guys buy this shit if I had it made into postcards?
Hell YEAH, I'd buy a painting if you sold 'em. Not sure about postcards since I never send those. The last postcard I sent was in '44 when I was on the lam from the feds for my involvement in Hoover's dress-making.
Hold still, hon. You got a little schmutz on your face. Lemme get that for ya.
*LadyBug spits on a kleenex and dabs at the painting, revealing to all that she has finally, truly LOST IT.*
'Tis a cool painting, though, Bucky.
I'm sticking with Roger Daltry after a show, sorry.
Dazed - one thing about PSPv9, it doesn't install over top of v7...or at least my version of v9 anyway. Sooo, enjoy re-installing any filters you have...or copying them over to the new DIR anyway. Other than that, I love it. (I hope you got to get the upgrade price?) Bucky would appreciate the Art Media layers.
Dazed - I think everyone understands that you were only following orders when you made Hoover that stunning little turquoise taffetta cocktail dress. It's not your fault he didn't have the legs for it.
LadyBug -- Thanks! I'm pretty sure, though, that we suspected somethin' was up with you when you lost your marbles and shot up the poor Monkey last night.
So guys: Don't piss off the LadyBug, or the last thing you'll see is the business end of her KillerBug Glock.
Dazed - I think everyone understands that you were only following orders when you made Hoover that stunning little turquoise taffetta cocktail dress. It's not your fault he didn't have the legs for it.
LadyBug -- Thanks! I'm pretty sure, though, that we suspected somethin' was up with you when you lost your marbles and shot up the poor Monkey last night.
So guys: Don't piss off the LadyBug, or the last thing you'll see is the business end of her KillerBug Glock.
Dazed - I think everyone understands that you were only following orders when you made Hoover that stunning little turquoise taffetta cocktail dress. It's not your fault he didn't have the legs for it.
LadyBug -- Thanks! I'm pretty sure, though, that we suspected somethin' was up with you when you lost your marbles and shot up the poor Monkey last night.
So guys: Don't piss off the LadyBug, or the last thing you'll see is the business end of her KillerBug Glock.
Mr.B - yeah, I ordered via Amazon and got a $35 rebate for sending in a photocopy of the V7.0 disc. Then, to ensure that I get the best possible price, I do believe that I'll send in a threatening letter, telling them how Bucky is my boyfriend (sorry Buck, you're going to have to break out the strap-on) and that you are a hired henchman and we'll mess 'em but good if they don't give me a good price. Hope that's ok with y'all.
Bucky, the painting looks like hippie Jesus to me. People would totally buy prints of that. I make Christmas cards out of my kid's drawings, just go to a Kinko's or a mom & pop copier, people would totally buy Jimmy Jesus Daltrey Diggs note cards! (Yea, folded notecards with envelopes will sell better than postcards; people don't understand the whole postcard stamp thing, but the copiers or printers will fold and provide the envelopes.)
Watch out, I'm coming to rescue LL Cool J. I would love to have me a very grateful LL Cool J. I'll bring LadyBug and her glock if I have to...
Ooh, don't ya just hate a mail-in rebate?! That could be another blog. Packaging, then mail-in rebates, then the dreaded...
Amazon Pre-Order!!!
Oooooooh! *cold chills*
Don'tcha love my multiple...comment posts?
Dazed - I'll do whatever it takes for the cause. I just hope the power doesn't go to my head! If I slap somebody across the face with it, you have to promise me you'll wrestle it away from me, right away.
Susie - Yeah, I can see the hippie Jesus thing there. And you can have LL Cool J the second weekend of every month. But don't be touchin' my Taye "Babycakes" Diggs. Don't do it. I'll have Mr. B mail in a rebate on yo' ass!
Wow Bucky, that is really beautiful. More art! More art!
Ummm, something about this guy reminds me of 'Vincent' from the TV show Beauty and the Beast (you know, the one with Linda Hamilton?)
That is beautiful. Really. Gorgeous.
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