Monday, April 25, 2005
Previously on the Cotillion
- April in Michigan
- You're gonna have to catch me (long song comin')
- Are you drunk, or am I?
- Atomic dog
- Everybody run, the homecoming queen's got a gun
- Lick me, I buzz you up
- Self-Portrait Day: Get your flex on
- Fun with divebombing
- Little Deviant, in a plaid mood
- Mr. White Screen, I'm comin' to kick your ass

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15 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
"Yuleturd" - I love that. LOVE.
Just when I think you couldn't top leper porn. You post a mutilated Christmas turd. There is NO limit to your potential, Bucky Four-Eyes!
Dazed - it was a last-minute inspiration, clearly meant for your enjoyment. Huzzah!
Susie...I may not be able to conquer the world, but I shore can make it shudder a little!
Fecal abuse! So wrong! So sad! How will he ever dance again?
He'll dance like the gimpy little turd he is and like it.
Doggies always eat their own poop. He just confused that's all.
Now I've got the song in my head.
"Mr Hanky, the Christmas Poo, he loves me and I love you, even if you're a Jew."
Atleast, I think that's how it goes.
Yuleturd? Mother Nature does not respect my bush?
I have to start writing this shit down and compiling a list of Bucky-isms.
Speaking of Buckyisms, well, not really - but Buck, I just watched Deadwood on TiVo. Missed it last night.
Best lines:
Calamity Jane: "We've got a mutual pain in the balls acquaintance...Charlie Fuckin Utter!"
Tom Nuttall: "Anyone who doubts me sucks cock by choice!"
We used to have a dog that had a hankerin' for cat shit. You could always tell when she had just eaten some. She'd rest her chin on your knee and burp shit breathe in your face. Kinda gross yet oddly amusing.
Bobblehead, you show me a dog that ain't hankerin' for cat shit, and I'll show you a deceased dog. Betchoo guys just can't wait to have to guard the litter boxes from a St. Bernard puppy!
La Pix - still haven't seen this week's episode...gotta get my Deadwood fix tonight! We need more Calamity Jane onscreen, all the time. I knew it was love when the first line came out of her mouth last season: "Ignorant fuckin' cunts!"
Torrie - no list of Buckyisms would be complete without my sentimental favorite: I've got a grabby little pucker for your tongue!
Squirl - somethin' like that. You'd think I'd seen that episode enough times to know the song. I can sing Dreidle like nobody's business, though.
Mr. B - I thought a dog would know a fake poop from a real poop. Guess that's why only the arm was torn off. Snicker is goin' "Yuck! False poop!"
The fact that you even POSESS a famous, stuffed yule log is a tribute to your Buckiness.
I bow low before your superior poop intellect.
P.S. You wanted proof of the doiliness. Well you got it.
Mr Hanky, the Christmas Poo was found floating in a Heathers bath recently! Harry
Just love how you think. "Yuleturd." Again. Priceless. You have now earned a spot on my favorites list.:)
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