Lie to me
Sometimes, empty flattery rocks.
I don't care if it is a cheesy web quiz; call me "genius" and I'll make you breakfast, if you know what I mean.
Your IQ Is 130 |
![]() Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius Your General Knowledge is Exceptional |
I don't care if it is a cheesy web quiz; call me "genius" and I'll make you breakfast, if you know what I mean.
12 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
Your IQ Is 90
Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Average
Your General Knowledge is Average
"Ah like dem fried taters...mmm!"
/Off to do some book learnin'
Logic be damned when you're a genius at verbal and mathematical skills.
I just posted mine. I wonder how they measure logical intelligence? Maybe just the fact that you'll take the test means you don't have logical intelligence.
Very good, Ms. Bucky Genius!
I agree with Squirl and I don't mind being illogical:
My Logical Intelligence is Below Average
My Verbal Intelligence is Genius
My Mathematical Intelligence is Above Average
My General Knowledge is Genius
P.S. ~ My dear Katy, may Thanksgiving joy and blessings be abundant to you and yours.
*likes Jonny Lang's "Lie to Me"*
Happy Thanksgiving!
And you know what I mean. :-)
I shall test my intelligence with this quiz later, after I've studied a bit more. (You know, when I'm not under the influence of turkey, mashed taters, gravy, pumpkin cream pie and ice cream...)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Lie to me, my ass. You're bright, sister of mine, and it runs in the family. Have you seen Squirl's?! (IQ test. Geez, wha'didja think I meant?!)
This test is flawed. If you keep all other options the same and experiment with varying the answers to for example question two, you will find that the correct answer is supposed to be alternative 2 - that the half trunk full of dimes is worth more - gives you five points more than the two other options. This is clearly wrong, as the monetary value is the same for the two trunks. If anything, the trunk full of nickles is worth more, since a full sized trunk is worth more than a half sized trunk... So there.
Also, the max score is 140, and even then you're still "Below average" in logical intelligence, while a genius in everything else. Bah, humbug!
Uhm. Dimes are smaller than nickles, hence the monetary value of a half trunk of them is worth more. Kindly disregard my first rant. The second rant still stands though.
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