Mystery meat challenge
The game is afoot!
This was an innocent enough picture before I took it to Photoshop to produce a fucked-up platter of mystery meat. My challenge to You, Internet as a Whole (all ten of you), is to guess what the subject of the photograph was in its pre-meat life.
The first correct answer will earn its author 10,000 - that's right, ten motherfucking thousand - Brain Points.* Oh, yeah, I know better than to offer Rice-a-Roni (the San Francisco Treat) as a prize; I learned my lesson the hard way.
So, tell me - what the fuck was this before I turned it into mutant meat?

* Brain Points can be redeemed for bragging rights at any participating Home Depot, Showbiz Pizza, or Victoria's Secret location.
This was an innocent enough picture before I took it to Photoshop to produce a fucked-up platter of mystery meat. My challenge to You, Internet as a Whole (all ten of you), is to guess what the subject of the photograph was in its pre-meat life.
The first correct answer will earn its author 10,000 - that's right, ten motherfucking thousand - Brain Points.* Oh, yeah, I know better than to offer Rice-a-Roni (the San Francisco Treat) as a prize; I learned my lesson the hard way.
So, tell me - what the fuck was this before I turned it into mutant meat?
* Brain Points can be redeemed for bragging rights at any participating Home Depot, Showbiz Pizza, or Victoria's Secret location.
14 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
I'm clueless. At first glance, I thought it was the photo they used in health class to convince us to abstain from premarital sex.
I'm guessing I earn 0 Brain Points for this answer.
Some kind of a flower. Really, really close-up.
You said it was innocent enough, and what's more innocent than a flower? (Except me, of course, and I know it's not a photo of me, so... there ya go.)
A strawberry?
Or my brain after grading over 40 term tests...
The inside of a green pepper. Or a red one. Or yellow. Orange. A pepper.
Ooh... a pepper is a good guess! I'm going with a drop of liquid of some kind. I am afraid to guess what kind of liquid. I can't believe Eclectic wants you to take a picture of her flower. That is SCANDALOUS, I tell you!
Peppers IS a good guess. I'm changing my answer to peppers.
And Charlotte, you are a dirty, DIRRRRTY girl. Must be why we all love you. ;)
Fred - maybe I could sell the rights to this for use in health classes. You get bonus Brain Points for that idea.
Eclectic - Yes, you are more innocent than a flower; it must be true - I've seen it on every gas station bathroom wall in the midwest.
Ghost - I understand the Grading Overload Brain. It *is* something edible, but alas, not a strawberry.
Susie - nein on the pepper - but it did start out as an edible item(s).
Charlotte - not to worry, no actual liquid was used in the process. Unless you count cats sneezing on me.
Hey, if E wants me to take *highly artistic* flower pictures, who are you to stand in the way of art?
E and E's flower: Nope again. Think edible but more snacky.
Shit, that's too easy, cuz I've taken pix of my clit in wacky I-Photo mode so many times! Feel like I'm cheating! I used to post pix like this on MyHo, just to fuck with Tom, who'd censor the slightest thing, but passed by my clit, time and again!
Bacon! Isn't that always the answer?
Mermaid - nope, 'tis not a vagina.
T - 'Tis not bacon, either.
Although it does kind of look like an unholy marriage of bacon and labia.
An orange peel?
An orange peel?
Well, what the fuck's the matter with my clit, then? It looks exactly like that in Photo Booth!
Pizza? With a subtle hint below the pic?
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