Saturday, March 19, 2005
Previously on the Cotillion
- Couch dance
- Report Card, Part Three
- Report Card, Part Two
- Report Card, Part One
- Dog day afternoon
- Happy St. Quacktrick's Day!
- Mix CD: The Porkchop Mix
- Self-Portrait Thursday: Bad Hair Day!
- Just some stuff, 'kay?
- Camaro row row your boat

This space available for symposiums and shit.
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9 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
Reminds me of when I went to the shrink. He showed me an inkblot and said "What does this look like to you?" I naturally answered "Like the number 4 card in the Rorschach series to test obsessive-compulsive behavior"..and he got all bummed. "OK," I said, "It's a butterfly."
I love the picture. Don't know how you did it, but it's cool. Give my little nephew a hug and kiss for me.
Dazed - you know, you have to humor those professional types sometimes. They're really sensitive and all.
Squirl - ain't you got nuthin' better to do on a Sunday morning than look at blogs? I mean, uh, that is, OKAY, but I've only checked one besides mine this morning.
Canine Purple Haze -- 'scuse me while I kiss the sky!
Tag. your it Bucky.
OK, I may have been in ht elab too much lately, but that totally looks like a cell stain under a microscope. How you managed to get an entire dog head on a cell stain is a tribute to your mysterious ways.
Que mysteriosa.
That's in the LAB. Lord, I need more caffeine.
None of this has anything to do with Snickers. Sorry. :)
I had a dream about you last night. I dreamed you called me on the phone and kept asking me what my favorite movies were. And the whole time I was thinking, "How did Bucky four-eyes get my phone number!?" And also how mad my husband would be that I was giving out our phone # on the WWW!
Oh, and "strawberry pancake tampon!?" LMAO!
Jess -- Hey, you always tag too hard! I bruise, like a grape!
Plum - I like to think of Snickers as my little cell stain. In ht elab or anywhere.
Ern - you can tell your husband I got your number off the bathroom wall, same as all my friends. ;)
That's wild! At least I wasn't asking you about your underwear or tampons or anything.
You'll have to put me on your do-not-call list!
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