Saturday, September 10, 2005
Previously on the Cotillion
- Mattress mambo
- They need to put warning labels on this shit
- Muskrat muff? (AKA, another cry for help)
- Musta been that brain salad surgery
- Detroit Monday: Take five, they're small
- Show us how you got them beads, hot mama!
- Detroit Saturday: The Doctor is in
- Just need a little brain salad surgery
- Tchotchke-less entry
- And now for something completely different

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12 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
Ha! Too funny!
***wipes grits shrapnel off of lips*** Somehow, I always envisioned it a little different than that.
My name is not Mel.
Lips, ugh! I was just at a site called awful plastic surgery. They showed more over-plumped, collagened lips than I ever needed to see. Nightmare-time.
Now tell us what you really mean, Bucky.
Blech. I don't like grits. Do you have any oatmeal?
Kitty, I'm thinking they're grits.
*gasp* I see Condoleezza Rice in those grits! Don't eat her! Sell them on ebay!
I knew what do to and I did it with ample tongue.
I need to melt some cheese and sprinkle some salt on that bitch first, before we get down to business.
Or fry some eggs just so that the outside is done but the inside is still runny.. then stab those mofos and mix it all up together with the grits.. yeah.. that's what I'm talkin' about.
M_D - I can neither confirm nor deny that I ran around the house with them, shouting "Kiss my gree-its!"
Eclectic - sorry to shatter your illusion.
Mr. B - Then you're either Vera or Alice. What's it gonna be?
Squirl - oh, those over-collagened lips just make me think of a meaty duck. Ew. Naturally full lips are great, surgically bloated lips...not so much.
But you are still invited to kiss my grits. And I mean that in the nicest possible way.
Dazed - you know I'll always make a bowl of oatmeal for you, hon. I might even throw in some brown sugar if I'm in a good mood.
Kittay - gree-its all the way. More lumpy than I like 'em, though. But I do love some just-the-right-texture grits.
Squirl - ding ding ding ding! ;)
Susie - OH! I wish I'd seen it before I ate 'em! I just digested a potential auction fortune. *sob*
Schmootz - awwwwww yeah. That's what I'm talkin' about!
Torrie - there was already plenty of salt on that bitch, but I'm more of a real butter girl.
See, that wouldn't sound so dirty if anybody else said it. I'm soooo persecuted here!
Romani Heart - yeah, I did a bit of that with my eggs. Mmmmmm, now I'm hungry again!
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