Monday, April 14, 2008
Previously on the Cotillion
- Forget Stacy's mom - Stacy's got it goin' on
- Lazy Bucky's quickies
- Dream within a dream
- Big Brother owns your nipples
- Bad influence
- Suddenly, I'm not hungry anymore
- Faith and blogorrah
- On my back. But not in a good way.
- I'd watch it

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9 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
No, no... poop would ruin his outfit.
Oh, he was beyond outraged when it happened. Some of it was transferred to the carpet (Mommy's job to clean up) and he went to work quite diligently on the rest until his outfit was just perfect again.
Of course, I didn't let him give me any kisses that day...
You blogged about it! I hope he doesn't check your site out. The Tuxie outrage would be more than you could handle.
He sure does look cute up on the cabinets, though.
I debated whether or not I should sacrifice Friday's dignity for the sake of a blog post...debated for about three seconds. You know it's quite a moral struggle for me when I consider it for that long.
And yeah, he's my up-high cutie pie.
I was cracking up before I even scrolled past the title. An outraged tuxie...*shiver*
Poor kitty.
I'm glad he got his outfit all cleaned up and perfect once again.
I feel for Friday. So does Alex.
Wonderful post, Bucky.
Friday, it's OK. None of us kitties are purr-fect. But don't tell your silly human that. OK?
Tuxies are soooo cute. Smoochie that shit eater anyways. You know you wanna ;-)
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