Recycled turkey wishes
It's two years old now, but still heartfelt. In a creepy kinda way.
Katy Barzedor proclaimed this to be so at 9:28 AM
Completely insincere -- and I mean that.
©2004-2014 Katy Barzedor
5 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
Oh yeah, creepy. *hides*
Yeah. Still scares me a little. Happy Thanksgiving!
I seriously cracked up with this. Grumble grumble to you to.
Not a bit of fear ran down my spine!
Hope you have a delightful Thanksgiving!
Your comment on Dooce:
"Your delightful description of pregnancy-induced nausea has only strengthened my resolve to practice birth control via hot girl-on-girl action. Or, more realistically, staying home with the cats and masturbating."
LOL! You too?!
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