Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Previously on the Cotillion
- Mr. White Screen, I'm comin' to kick your ass
- What color is your smoke?
- So why don't you marry it?
- Snickers' next-favorite person
- Buds n' beer
- Okay, Pokey, here's your damn proof
- For Greatwhitebear
- I know, fill your bladder with beer then get on a ...
- Beered and bored
- Hell yeah, I want some cheesy poofs!

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18 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
Is squirl in the photo on the piano?
That outfit is killing me. Those red tights...yikes!
Greenie -- ding ding ding ding!
Man, you're fast!
You likey my outfit? I still dress like that, you know. The neighbors just don't talk to me anymore...
I'm not buying it! You've got Squirl all bottled up so's you can make some wishes!
When you wish upon a Squirl...
HDL, isn't this picture flex enough for ya?
How absolutely adorable. I still wish I had MY maryjanes....I mean, WITHOUT the heels.
Oh my bucky, you look like a million plaid bucks. I love this picture.
Is now a good time to make my Goodship Lollypop comment?
...this explains so much...
Aww so sweet and adorable. What the fuck happened??????
Jess -- better check the Bad Bucky Book.
Mr. B -- there is never a good time to compare me to Shirley Temple. Never.
So, everyone who thinks I was a cute kid...who's up for adoption?
Ok, I won't compare IF you rescan two sections of the picture for me in super detail. I'd like to see what music is on the pie-nanner back there AND I don’t think those are cards in your hands. You’re all gussied up, and surely it wasn’t to go play poker. Blind-eyed inquiring minds want to know.
I thought I'd checked back here after this posting time, but I didn't see this until now. Did you hide it from me on purpose?
Everybody, she only LOOKS innocent here. I was there from the beginning of the Bad Bucky Book. She was never innocent. Loads of fun, yes, but never innocent.
Squirl, you're gonna give these people the impression that I was a little hellion. You know, a completely accurate impression.
Mr. B - I zoomed waaaaaay in on the sections you requested, but alas, 'tis far too fuzzy to see the music. I'm pretty sure, upon zooming, though, that those are actually playing cards in my hand after all. And I wasn't dressed up for the poker so much as I was dressed up for the stag party afterward..
Oh, I'm sorry. Was that wrong of me to say that?
Oh, maybe it was strip poker?
Darn, that mysterious sheet music! Probably "Those Were the Days" or whatever it's called from All in the Family.
Strip poker...well, the tights would make a lot more sense that way. Even then, I was shrewd in my wagers and particular about those who saw my hoo-hoo.
Oh, and Mr. B -- we're both goin' to hell for this conversation, you understand that, right?
Well, you know, I think I was headed that way anyway. I was hoping to make a u-turn just before getting there though.
If they just hadn't been red tights...
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