Self-Portrait Thursday

Self portrait with Spiderman and teabags
This posting is in conjunction with
1. My name is Katy
2. I live in Flint, Michigan, and I'm a system administrator.
3. The first time I encountered the Internet was in college, probably
when I was about 27. Must not have made too much of an impression,
'cause I can't pinpoint the event. But I've certainly become
addicted since.
4. My favorite sandwich is a Big John's sub, vegetarian on white,
hold the olives and oil, with extra mushrooms.
5. On a Sunday evening, I can be found watching "The Sopranos" and
"Deadwood" when HBO deigns to show them, and otherwise lounging about
the house and whining 'cause the weekend's over.
Bonus Information:
I keep a size 7/8 miniskirt in my closet, just to torture myself. It will never, ever fit over my thighs again, much less my Twinkie-fied ass.
25 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
Not just ONE teabag, but FOUR. And spiderman. And teabags. Wait, is this a la carte or an all-you can eat buffet?
Dazed -- as the fabulous Candye Kane says, "All you can eat, and you can eat it all night long!"
Sweet pic! I am digging the Spiderman and mysterious teabags. I am sort of afraid of the tea bags. They look a little menacing. Chamomille is a bully, I swear it.
Scotty, chamomile is all bark and no bite. It's that quiet, unassuming green tea you really have to watch. Antioxidant=no oxygen, and that sounds pretty sinister to me.
Oooh, Bucky, you vera sixsy ledy. Maka me wanna clicka you google.
Google me, baby. . .goooooogle me!
My son is wearing his Spiderman costume as we speak, and was quite excited when he found out they come in adult sizes.
Striz, tell Spiderman for me that you're never too old to have a Spiderman shower curtain. Even if you don't have kids.
Just don't tell him a developmentally disabled person passed on that information.
I like your picture very much. Groovay.
Hey I was just kidding about Monkey. Only not really because I love monkies. Not that I don't love vaginas, just not in that way, not that there's anything wrong with that.
Love the tea bags and Spiderman. Perfect!
AND you got you some nice locks, girl.
Lovely pic, girlie!
I keep a size 7 or 8 miniskirt in my closet too! I have little hope of fitting in it again, and even if I did, I don't think I would wear that short of a skirt at this point in my life. But we have to hold on to hope, right?
By the way, you look like a rock star. We sorta nicknamed people randomly while building the site and you were named "Rock Star"
The teabags confused me a bit, I must add. But I actually enjoy being confused. It builds imagination.
Hey now, I like my green tea, don't be doggin' it.
I did get the tea bag appearance, and you got a little smile and 2 thumbs up.
'Manda, it's OK to like monkeys just for friends. Just don't squirt Massengil at the wrong "monkey." Stings their little eyes.
Mihow -- I figured since I can't stop with the teabaggin' talk, they must be a part of my self portrait.
And I'm a pretend rock star. I make Jim throw underpants at me and stuff.
No, Bucky, I think you're a FOR REALS rock star. In fact, I have your 45 of "Drag Me Through the Hell Slime, Mamma" - your vocals on that were AMAZING - second only to the jammin' guitar riffs. And the flute and dulcimer solos only added to its fabulousness.
Dazed, you really, really don't wanna know how I played that flute.
This one time, at band camp. . .
Very nice pic!
Squirl, wasn't that you wailin' on the dulcimer on "Drag Me Through the Hell Slime, Mamma" ?
I'm sure I could wail a dulcimer with the best of them. But just don't try to blame me for the flute.
we all wanna see a pic of you trying to get into the mini skirt...c'mon you can do it!
nice pic!
And from my daughter....she looks like a hippy, only pretty!
I have a size 78 mini skirt too!
Oh. Wait. You said 7/8.
Um. Yeah. Never mind.
I'm currently wiggling into that 78 miniskirt of which you write, LadyBug.
'Bear: Tell your daughter I said "Peace, man!"
So glad I washed my hair before I took this picture!
I am so soooo --from now on-- gonna refer to my rump as a 'twinkie-fied ass'
would those teabags be of the 'smooth moves' persuasion?
I'm not sure if I think teabagging is a smooth move or not. I guess it depends entirely upon how much I've had to drink!
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