Follow my logic
I've always heard it said that idle hands are the devil's workshop. Which I think is cool, so long as everyone wears eye protection.
I just wonder what exactly had to be idle to become the Devil's Tower.

To my way of thinkin', that's one huge, idle tallywhacker.
Hey, I never, ever promised you high-quality posts from the road.
I just wonder what exactly had to be idle to become the Devil's Tower.

To my way of thinkin', that's one huge, idle tallywhacker.
Hey, I never, ever promised you high-quality posts from the road.
7 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
Any post from Bucky is high-quality. ;-)
Was Lorena Bobbit whacking away at that too?
I am not an artist. I can't draw a name out of a hat. But after we went to DT, I had this fantasy that there's a whole animal town up there, and I imagined this painting of the tower, from the ground, with the little deer and hedgehogs and whatnot peeking over the side, looking down at the people who can't get up there (I know climbers can get up there; I'm pretending). Did you read the story of how it grew up into the air and the bears clawed the sides? I know you did. Anyhow, I hope it's not TMI, me writing my fantasies here. I was fascinated by that place.
Doesn't look like an idle one to me...not that I'd know or anything....
If it's a tallywhacker, the tally has been whacked. It looks more like a nipple on a chilly day, to me.
There must be a Horton hearing a Who somewhere in that tower.
Heh, I thought my mom was the only one who used the word tallywhacker. The first time she used it was when I was a young impressionable girl and she was explaining to me the difference between a "cow" and a "bull." Yeah, I didn't get out much then either.
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