Thursday, July 14, 2005
Previously on the Cotillion
- The bitch is back
- Comedy of errors
- No tub, but high speed in my room
- My ass is displayed better than my hair
- I see Internet!
- My heart has been stolen
- Muffins
- Flashed on my wedding night
- Now who's the weirdo?
- Easily amused

This space available for symposiums and shit.
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14 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
It's far cry from the Bucky Crocker days.
Who's your buddy?
I mean...
Who's your Bucky?
That seems alittle unsanitary, did you at least ask the spatula about its last ten partners?
Just thought I'd say hi from Italy... on vacation in Tuscany at the moment... Good food, sunny... their English is 'orrible at best here, but the scenery sure beats Minnesota. On to Pisa, Florence, Rome, Naples etc next week...
There's nothin' like hot spatula porn to get ME wet.
The picture of the orange barrel could have come from any road in our lovely state(MI). It brough back so many memories of my trip to Cadillac yesterday. I like to think of driving in Michigan during construction season as an adventure, you never know which lanes will be closed, or maybe the whole road will be safe!!!!
Oh, for God's sake, will you suck it up, go down to the Adult Toy Store, and buy a proper paddle? You can't keep raiding your kitchen for marital aids. The rolling pin was bad enough ...
Does Bucky ever cook in the kitchenette, or just play with the toys?
Say ahhhhhhhh...
No, no, Bucky...when Jim said he'd like you to 'lick it', he didn't mean THAT. Try again.
Remind me never to ask you to make me an omlette.
Does that mean you are eating out every night?
Squirl - Bucky Crocker lives in me still, apparantly.
Kitty - Yup, same domesticated bitch.
Misfit - Ha! Hadn't thought of that! I coulda worked that in somehow...
Jess - It told me there hadn't been anyone before me. Spatula wouldn't lie, right?
Ghost - Howdy to our overseas correspondent! I envy your itinerary. Gesticulate wildly in Rome and try to work the word "merkin" into every conversation.
Danielle - the spatula finally put you over the edge, didn't it?
Dazed - ya know I'm always lookin' for ways to make your dolphin dance.
Slick - I guess orange cones are a low-maintenance splash of color on the roads.
Nilbo - if only there'd been a rolling pin, there'd have been a special picture for you. You know you dig kitchen gadget erotica. Just admit it, you'll feel better.
Sierrabella - DING DING DING DING we have a winnah! No one really expected me to cook, did they?
Eclectic - well, no wonder I was gettin' those looks. Back to the drawring board...
Torrie - How 'bout french toast?
Krankie - oh, if only I could reach...
See, that's why Martha Stewart never widened her fan base. She NEVER licked spatulas.
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