Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Previously on the Cotillion
- Jet lag hag
- It's all theoretical, of course
- One for the money (shot)
- Follow my logic
- I'm too sexy for my kitchenette.
- The bitch is back
- Comedy of errors
- No tub, but high speed in my room
- My ass is displayed better than my hair
- I see Internet!

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33 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
It's not the chaps . . . yea, the new hair color makes your ass look big.
Does my BIG ASS make my ass look big?
I'd say that fat wallet makes your ass look small. And no, I won't show you mine just 'cause you showed me yours....!
Uh mi Gawd Becky, look at her butt, its so big, like she must be one of those rappers girlfriends or something....
SPRUNG! Little in the middle but she got much back!
Hi, my name is Jessica and I like big butts and I can not lie.
Look out! She's backing up!
Hell no!!! But I do notice the wallet on the right side!!
I think your bum looks like a million bucks in those chaps.
Susie - if it's the hair color, then my ass must look even bigger now!
Uh, or did you mean the hair on my ass?
Eclectic - You think this is funny with the wallet, you should see me at the laundromat. Wallet in right side, change pouch in left side -- I am a bulging ass-o-rama!
Jess - If you like big butts, then we can definitely continue to be friends.
Mrtl - well, yeah, my vacation was pretty centered around my chaps. Chaps Across America.
Mr. B - behave or I will run your ass over with my forklift backside.
Danielle - Me and my sexy wallet. The wallet was about to be much poorer for a trip to tacky tacky Wall Drug.
Amy - why thank you! Would that be a million American or a million Canadian? Either way, bet I could afford another vacation with it.
Bucky, you cracked me up and gave me the title for my today's post, which will be up in a few.
(Not that I'm lookin' or anything) Nice ass! Not big--well proportioned--the chaps just accentuate the booty!
Lady, aintcha got nuthin' smaller ...?
I can't quite tell if the chaps make your ass look big. Denim creates an optical effect - the blue range of the colour spectrum shortens perspective lines (as any artist knows) and distorts any sense of relative size (there's a reason why jeans are BLUE).
So send me a picture in the same pose with JUST the chaps, and I'll have a better answer for you.
Damn! That's a fine arse!
Yes. But not in a bad way- More of a JLo way.
Susie - ha, your blog does NOT make your ass look big. Your ass is wise, not big, darlin'.
Effie - of course you're not lookin'. And I thank you for your eyes-averted flattery.
Nilbo - you just watch it, buddy, or you're liable to wind up with an inbox chock full o' my ASS.
Laurenbove - could you come remind my husband of that? I'd appreciate it.
Torrie - did I ever mention that you're in my will now?
ETA around Bucky's left cheek....2.3 light years...
Mr. B - you oughtta see the tractor beam on this thing...
Don't be as(s)inine, you look just fine!
Jess and I must be connected someone - I open your latest post and cue the music please..."I like dem butts and I cannot lie..." Full blown "Baby Got Back" starts playing in my head.
just lovely, my dear.
Sierrabella - that's so poetic! And now it's official: I have a fine ass.
Annejelynn - that's hilarious! You just be glad you don't have to see chapped-but-jeanless ass.
I wish my ass was that small. bitch. ;)
I think it makes you look like a smart-ASS.
Kristine - what? You mean those nude ass shot Shaun sent me weren't really you?
Man, I want my money back.
Squirl - I don't think I needed the chaps for that look.
I was trying to come up with a smart ass comment . . . but drawing a blank here. . .
Butt no, is the answer to your question!
So, if I understand this correctly, your big threat to me is that if I don't comport myself better, I may end up with a photo of your jeans-less ass? That's all you got? No, I mean .. seriously, that's ... it?
"You better behave, Mister, or you get to see my ass!"
Man, this is shooting fish in a barrel.
By the way, could you forward the pic of Kristine's ass that Shaun sent you? She sent it to me a while back, but it crashed my server.
I give your ass an "A plus"...not plus size mind you...just better than a straight A.
I give your chaps an A plus too...I used to have a pair when I road motorcycles (as a passenger) ...all chaps are assless, aren't they?
Thanks for stopping by!
Nanina - Glad to see you get to the bottom of the issue.
Nilbo - Am I gonna have to protect you from the Wrath of Kristine after that comment? Because I fear she could totally kick my (chapped) ass. We could both be in a lotta trouble.
Marybishop - I do belive that, as Susie has pointed out, "assless chaps" is fairly redundant. But isn't it fun to say?
And every time I see your name, I think of the now-deceased crazy woman from General Hospital. Did you take a lot of flak about that when she was on the show?
Ha! assless chaps are redundant indeed. I always think of Howard Stern's fartman. Thankfully I have a much lovelier replacement thought and I'd be happy to remind your D.H. if he needs a reality check.
You know those things you're not really sure are true? Like yetis? And the chupacabra?
I didn't think you actually had assless chaps.
You're officially my chupacabra now.
P.S. Nice booty.
Vertical stripes or more slimming:)
Hey, nice ass, kid!
Some folks pay big money to get an ass like that. :D
You have a fantasstic ass! Nicely proportioned, not all flat and ass-less. I bet hubby loves it too!
Oh, don't be silly. Kristine loves her some Nilbo, and she knows I wouldn't need two hands and a flashlight to find her ass if she was within reach.
How does one get a chapped ass, anyway? Dangle it out the window on a winter morning?
Your ass is not fat until your underwear tag says Flint Tent and Awning.
Laurenbove - Any time you wanna remind my husband that I have a great ass, you are more than welcome to do so. Just do it when I'm there, 'cause I never get tired of hearin' it.
Plum - thanks! I've always wanted to be someone's chupacabra. Now I know that dreams CAN come true...
Nugger - I need to plan better for these photo ops.
Goddess - this ass can be yours for only $2! (oh, that's not what you meant, was it?)
Lawbrat - flattery will only result in more ass pictures. And thanks!
Nilbo - hangin' my ass out the window would surely chap it. Also, immersion in a snowbank will do the trick.
DP - It was indeed a feat of acrobatics to snap this ass pic. But I DO have really long arms.
Jeffs place - It's not so much a tent as it is a small shed.
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