The fruits of my drunken labor
The magnetic poetry I ordered when I was drunk is now here. So far, the only set I've opened (there are five sets...told you I was drunk!) is the movie quotes collection.
It's St. Patrick's Day, and frankly, this Irish whore is saving her strength up for the hoisting of the pint. I don't even know if that's true or not, but there is a kick-ass band from Flint playing downtown tonight - Rev. Right-Time and the First Cuzins of Funk. If I feel like it, I may wander over there later and get my groove on.
So, in lieu of my usual paragraphs of blah blah blah, I leave you instead with the wisdom of the magnetic poetry.

It's a Wonderful Airplane

To Have and Have Animal Crackers
It's St. Patrick's Day, and frankly, this Irish whore is saving her strength up for the hoisting of the pint. I don't even know if that's true or not, but there is a kick-ass band from Flint playing downtown tonight - Rev. Right-Time and the First Cuzins of Funk. If I feel like it, I may wander over there later and get my groove on.
So, in lieu of my usual paragraphs of blah blah blah, I leave you instead with the wisdom of the magnetic poetry.

It's a Wonderful Airplane

To Have and Have Animal Crackers
12 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
Happy St. Patty's Day, Bucky!
Happy St Paddy's Day to you!
May the magnetic poetry rise to meet you.
Or something like that.
You know that the next line of that quote is "May the wind be ever at your back". But I don't think we really need to go there.
Them's snazzy maggy-nets. I likes 'em I does.
Is one of those sets the X-rated version?
May the wind be always (passed) at your back... and not near your nose.
You crazy biatch!
I've been waiting for an opportunity to use these quotes:
"The Irish hate our order, our civilisation, our enterprising industry, our pure religion. This wild, reckless, indolent, uncertain and superstitious race have no sympathy with the English character. Their ideal of human felicity is an alternation of clannish broils and coarse idolatry. Their history describes an unbroken circle of bigotry and blood."
- Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister
"I am daunted by the[se] human chimpanzees"
- Charles Kingsley, English historian
"The Irish are the only people who can not be helped by psychoanalysis"
- Sigmund Freud
"The sexual frankness of [the Irish] characters is unlike anything in classical literature … in early Irish literature both men and women openly admire one another's physical endowments and invite one another to bed without formality ... The ancient Irish version of 'kiss and make up' [was to offer] their nipples to be sucked ... Irish sexual arrangements were relatively improvisational. Trial 'marriages' of one year, multiple partners, and homosexual relations among warriors on campaign were all more or less the order of the day ... Even the monasteries ... were not especially notable for their rigid devotion to the rule of chastity."
-Thomas Cahill
See, your depravity is genetic, and therefore not actually your fault.
PS: I'm off to Dublin for four days next Friday... I'll send you some happy thoughts... and maybe a leprechaun.
Oh you drunken whore. How are you?
I am sick, sick, sick. Was it from the green beer I drank? NOOOO, and why? BECAUSE I WASN'T DRINKING.
Was it because I had male stripper cock in my face? NO, BECAUSE I WAS AT A 14 YEAR OLD'S BIRTHDAY PARTY!
Oh you sweet ass hooker, I hope you had more fun than I did. I didn't even wear green in hopes of getting some sort of action.
I guess a woman with a bright red nose and the sounds like she talking through a snorkel doesn't inspire people to pinch and make sexual advance toward.
A lady down the hall has some of the word magnets. Many months ago, I arranged them to make a sentence about nose candy. To this day, I don't think she's noticed.
We used to have word magnets. In a couple of places we lived we let the neighbors mess with them. Then, at the last place we lived in GR, the stupid idiots stole them. Really pissed me off.
I don't know nothin' 'bout blowin' no pachyderms; however, I DO know (fortunately not from first hand--hehehe--experience) that one can get a serious black eye from giving an elephant a handjob.
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