MC Escher, that's my favorite MC
Update: Video added to post.
I saw "Weird Al" Yankovic in concert last night.
My street cred has never been higher.
Tardist, my friend Theirzal and I ventured up to the Muskegon Summer Celebration kick-off night in order to be bathed in the healing power of the clever song parody, to bask in the white-hot glow of an accordion played at lightning speed by a man with crazy eyes and enough hair to make us all a sweater. And really, a sweater would've been great; I haven't said anything like this since my a/c-less house has had me melting into a puddle of tard, but it was fucking chilly at the festival last night! I guess the fact that the fairgrounds are right on the water makes a ton of difference. I'd lugged a fleece jacket with me, but poor Theirzal was shivering, wrapped up in the tarp she'd brought in case of rain. At least Tardist wasn't injured at this show; it seems like it was the last time he and I went to a concert together that he collided, pee-pee first, with a concrete stanchion in the parking lot, as an onlooker commented "Whoa! Vicious hit!"
I'd seen Weird Al once before, back in 1984 at the Kentucky State Fair, accompanied by my very unwilling and bored cousin who just wanted to get back to the midway to flirt with the toothless carnies. The show last night was decidedly more high-tech and a whole lot better funded than the first time I saw him. There were multiple costume changes, and lots of vintage Al videos projected on the giant screens on either side of the stage. Let me just say right now, the man is a hell of an accordionist. He's also a killer vocalist, whether he's singing in his natural voice or imitating another singer, and he had the crowd in the palm of his white, nerdy hand. The crowd itself was a wonder to behold, a huge gathering of folks from babies to retirees, and everything in between, all delighted by the show, many singing along to most of the songs.
It all boils down to one thing: Weird Al has been kicking ass for a long fucking time.
Here's a list of the songs played, compiled after the show. The order of the songs is not representative here, except that he did open with Polkarama (the polka medley from Straight Outta Lynwood) and his final encore song was Albuquerque. Also, a number of the songs were featured in a long medley, but I can't remember exactly which ones were in there.
Amish Paradise
Bedrock Anthem
The Saga Begins
You're Pitiful
Eat It
Smells Like Nirvana (they even had hairy-pitted cheerleaders onstage!)
Bob (the palindrome song)
Ode to a Superhero
Pretty Fly for a Rabbi
It's All About the Pentiums
White and Nerdy
Canadian Idiot
I'll Sue Ya
Confessions Part 3
Weasel Stomping Day
Close But No Cigar
Trapped in the Drive Through
Do I Creep You Out?
We've All Got Cell Phones

Crappy camera phone pictures of the screen at stage left, because they were all "Noooo cameras!" at the gate.
I might go back to the fest on Saturday night to check out Kenny Wayne Shepherd, though I have to admit that I'm actually more interested in seeing his opening band, Black Stone Cherry. Even if I don't go, I still have Tool coming up next week, and I'm seeing Zappa Plays Zappa later in July (and then possibly They Might Be Giants if I'm not too whipped from my ZPZ trip).
If my eardrums aren't ruptured by September, it's not for lack of tryin'.
I saw "Weird Al" Yankovic in concert last night.
My street cred has never been higher.
Tardist, my friend Theirzal and I ventured up to the Muskegon Summer Celebration kick-off night in order to be bathed in the healing power of the clever song parody, to bask in the white-hot glow of an accordion played at lightning speed by a man with crazy eyes and enough hair to make us all a sweater. And really, a sweater would've been great; I haven't said anything like this since my a/c-less house has had me melting into a puddle of tard, but it was fucking chilly at the festival last night! I guess the fact that the fairgrounds are right on the water makes a ton of difference. I'd lugged a fleece jacket with me, but poor Theirzal was shivering, wrapped up in the tarp she'd brought in case of rain. At least Tardist wasn't injured at this show; it seems like it was the last time he and I went to a concert together that he collided, pee-pee first, with a concrete stanchion in the parking lot, as an onlooker commented "Whoa! Vicious hit!"
I'd seen Weird Al once before, back in 1984 at the Kentucky State Fair, accompanied by my very unwilling and bored cousin who just wanted to get back to the midway to flirt with the toothless carnies. The show last night was decidedly more high-tech and a whole lot better funded than the first time I saw him. There were multiple costume changes, and lots of vintage Al videos projected on the giant screens on either side of the stage. Let me just say right now, the man is a hell of an accordionist. He's also a killer vocalist, whether he's singing in his natural voice or imitating another singer, and he had the crowd in the palm of his white, nerdy hand. The crowd itself was a wonder to behold, a huge gathering of folks from babies to retirees, and everything in between, all delighted by the show, many singing along to most of the songs.
It all boils down to one thing: Weird Al has been kicking ass for a long fucking time.
Here's a list of the songs played, compiled after the show. The order of the songs is not representative here, except that he did open with Polkarama (the polka medley from Straight Outta Lynwood) and his final encore song was Albuquerque. Also, a number of the songs were featured in a long medley, but I can't remember exactly which ones were in there.
Amish Paradise
Bedrock Anthem
The Saga Begins
You're Pitiful
Eat It
Smells Like Nirvana (they even had hairy-pitted cheerleaders onstage!)
Bob (the palindrome song)
Ode to a Superhero
Pretty Fly for a Rabbi
It's All About the Pentiums
White and Nerdy
Canadian Idiot
I'll Sue Ya
Confessions Part 3
Weasel Stomping Day
Close But No Cigar
Trapped in the Drive Through
Do I Creep You Out?
We've All Got Cell Phones

Crappy camera phone pictures of the screen at stage left, because they were all "Noooo cameras!" at the gate.
I might go back to the fest on Saturday night to check out Kenny Wayne Shepherd, though I have to admit that I'm actually more interested in seeing his opening band, Black Stone Cherry. Even if I don't go, I still have Tool coming up next week, and I'm seeing Zappa Plays Zappa later in July (and then possibly They Might Be Giants if I'm not too whipped from my ZPZ trip).
If my eardrums aren't ruptured by September, it's not for lack of tryin'.
16 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
Two thumbs up on the KWS, but decides not to comment on the rest. Sorry.
They Might Be Giants is a band I'd love to see in concert!
Yah, I'm a dork.
I wish I'd gone to see Weird Al. He's funny and pretty darned talented. Zappa Plays Zappa sounds good, too. I wouldn't even mind seeing They Might Be Giants. My problem is that I'm usually too lazy to go.
And I've been to Summer Celebration before when I roasted and sometimes when I could've use a much heavier jacket.
Weird Al rocks ... in a nerdy but very satisfying way.
Is he the guy that does that "eat it" song?
Mr. B - I must counter your comment with a reminder that you also think Geddy Lee sounds like something other than a guinea pig in a vice.
And shame on you for not putting in a good word for Kentucky boys Black Stone Cherry. For shame.
M_D - TMBG put on a GREAT show. I've never seen them with a whole band, though; when I saw them it was just the two Johns onstage, and they ruled! (And all hail dorks!)
Squirl - it was a great show. Al is the consummate showman.
Don't feel bad...I lazied out on the BSC/KWS show tonight. Gonna try to cat BSC as headliners in August.
Nilbo - Indeed. I love the fact that he's outlasted many of the groups he's parodied.
Laura - that's the one! Also "Another One Rides the Bus."
Also, I can't believe none of you sick fuckers has jumped on the fact that I wrote I still have Tool coming up next week...
Pick up the slack, people!
Trust me, there are PLENTY of Kentucky boys I don't support.
I love Weird Al in a slightly less than natural way. White & Nerdy is my current favourite but Weasel Stomping Day is my theme tune, purely for the looks of horror it induces as people listen to the lyrics!
Oh, I'm a big ass sucker for accordion!
Love the video.
The video was a great addition!
I love the video!!!
01) I saw Weird Al in the early 00's in a two week period that also included a Kiss show (supposedly a farewell tour) and a Willie Nelson show that was marred with a bunch of drunken frat boy dipshits. While I own nary an Al album, the show was fun.
02) I'm not really a fan of Kenny Wayne Shepherd since he tends to try a little too hard to be Stevie Ray Vaughan...and he's not. Black Stone Cherry play the area semi-often and I can't say that I know shit about shit when it comes to them. In fact, I think they may have actually played in Owensboro a time or two.
03) I've never seen They Might Be Giants, but I would like to. The crack of the whip in Minimum Wage still makes me giggle.
04) It's difficult to sum up my feelings for Tool in a concise manner. I loved them when Undertow was released, got sunburned waiting to see them at the second stage at Lollapalooza '93, drove two hours to Nashville for a sold-out club show in '94 in hopes of buying tickets from a scalper and ended up bribing the security guy by the back door for a fraction of the I like the band. Seeing A Perfect Circle while touring with their first album was okay at best. When Tool came back to Nashville with Lateralus, the whole show was like a poor man's Pink Floyd snoozefest. I reluctantly bought tickets for the Evansville show mainly because it was so close. While it's not as angry as the early days, the show is good and it's eerie how closely they sound to the albums. It made me wish I was into psychedelic drugs. I opted for the big ass arena pretzel and a Diet Mountain Dew.
05) I've not heard how the Zappa shows are going, but it should be pretty cool shit to witness. Although I missed it when it was in Louisville last December.
Had the douchebag been competent enough to save the photos of the lasers, it would have been better material, but this sad shot is the only one that I successfully captured.
Saw Wierd Al last night in Detroit (at the Tastefest) and immediately thought of you - did your audience have massive amounts of kids singing along?
That was cute as hell to see, and my best friend was so funny - she leans over to me at one point and said - "isn't it odd how WAY has gotten so much handsomer now thats he's older?"
good times though - it was a GREAT show.
did he do the new Paris Hilton song to the Crash Test Dummies tune? that just killed me.
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