the Bucky Four-Eyes Cotillion

Sunday, October 28, 2007

She fuckin' hates me

Cherry, that is. Well, she doesn't really fuckin' hate me, but she is not happy to be here, not one little bit. She's tickled to fawn all over me at the farmhouse, but she wants nothing to do with living in my happy home (I think she's all snobby about living in a trailer park).

The boys have been giving her all the space she wants after she growled tirelessly at them when they tried to investigate her upon arrival. Friday gave me a neatly wrapped package of "Fuck you, mommy!" at first, but has since allowed me to pet him, and might even have let a purr slip out accidentally, so I think he and I are still alright. Thirteen has been sitting on the counter, apparently dumbstruck that Cherry didn't want to be his buddy, and Eeyore as much as shrugged when she growled his way.

Cherry, for her part, has shown her further displeasure by hiding under my bed, except to step out occasionally and yowl her protest as a feline hostage, or to deposit a large mound of protest on the floor just past the litter box. It looks like she's going home tomorrow morning. *sigh*

Do I still qualify as Crazy Cat Lady, or am I being stripped of that title?

7 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':

Blogger eclectic said...

Oh man, I'm sorry that Cherry is not enjoying being there. But her buy-in is not required for you to be a crazy cat lady, so you just keep on witchyo bad "cat-lady" self.

8:53 PM, October 28, 2007  
Blogger Unknown said...

Unless you actually have to scrape the cat poop off the floor with a pancake turner, there's hope for you.

Sorry about Cherry Ames, Registered Cat. Maybe she will adjust by tomorrow?

9:33 PM, October 28, 2007  
Blogger Unknown said...

Bucky, I doubt that Cherry hates you or is showing her displeasure at you or the boys. I’ll bet she is just scared. I would be, if I were she. Alex was terrified for days after he came into my house. It’s just a cat thing, I suppose.

I don’t think you yet qualify as a “crazy cat lady.” The crazy cat ladies I encountered, especially as a social worker, had 30 to 80 cats in there houses—and one of them ate only cat food. You ain’t there yet, is you?

10:04 PM, October 28, 2007  
Blogger Squirl said...

Wow, sounds like the boys are ready to give her a break. I wonder if she's ready for the step. Sorry 'bout that.

10:15 PM, October 28, 2007  
Blogger here today, gone tomorrow said...

Hmmmm...sure you don't want to give her a little bit more time? Might help if you give her her own space for a week, with litter box, food, water, etc. Seems that these things usually take more than a few days. It's a heartbreaking process, for sure.

6:06 PM, October 29, 2007  
Blogger Katy Barzedor said...

Well, we tried it overnight. I got her to the point where she would cuddle with me and purr, but she wasn't putting up with any other cats in her sight, not one bit.

If this was a few months ago and I wasn't away so much, I'd think about setting her up on her own away from the boys and letting things progress from there. Unfortunately, I'm just gone too much these days for me to have any business trying to integrate a new cat into the household. It's not quite so bad because she lives at a friend's house and I can still see her when I want.

Not that I don't still feel like a heel about the whole thing...

6:13 PM, October 29, 2007  
Blogger here today, gone tomorrow said...


Please don't feel like a heel, Bucky. You did your best, it sounds like she still has a good home to go to (most important thing), and cats are resilient.

9:36 AM, October 30, 2007  

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