See? My thumb hasn't been up my ass *every* minute
Here's what I've been doing instead of writing (well, when I'm not playing video games, watching reality TV, or surfing for eggbeater porn):

Side Effects 2008 - Acrylic
And because I know just what kind of people you are, here's a close-up of what I'm sure is your favorite part:

Who couldn't use some sock monkey nipples on a dreary hump day?
Probably next time I pick up a paintbrush, it should be to finish the living room. But, admittedly, this was more fun.

Side Effects 2008 - Acrylic
And because I know just what kind of people you are, here's a close-up of what I'm sure is your favorite part:

Who couldn't use some sock monkey nipples on a dreary hump day?
Probably next time I pick up a paintbrush, it should be to finish the living room. But, admittedly, this was more fun.
11 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
Jaws!! Everybody out of the water!!
Everybody's got something to hide except me and my monkey.
Yay! You've finished it. And there are no kitty paw prints in it.
Very nice. Even the, um, monkey nipples...
Monkies have nipples?
I love your use of colour :-). Makes those nips just pop alive.
Monkey nipples!!!
That is all.
I keep getting deleted from blogger blogs. I was just saying that I like your monkey. It looks friendly. I like a friendly monkey.
Wow. That's amazing, Buckarincess! I love the religious icon-esque border around you, too. If ANYONE should have a shrine erected (heh heh..."erected") it would be you.
Lovely, Bucky. But please enlighten me: what is "eggbeater porn?" Am I missing something?
This picture looks even cooler in person. The metallic paint really doesn't show up well here.
You kinda resemble the Statue of Liberty holding a monkey torch aloft, bringing hope and encouragement to immigrating monkeys everywhere.
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