Ring around the fucking rosie
Listening to: Black Horse and the Cherry Tree by KT Tunstall. I would never guess this chick is from Scotland, but you know what they say - if it's not Scottish, it's crap! It's hard for me to say what genre I would call this...almost gypsy blues? I dunno. All I know is, I can't stop playing it. Gotta love a song that starts out: "My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talking..."
Thinking about: I don't have to wake up at 5:30 am on Monday.
Doing: Playing with my iPod.
My attempt at a post:
I suppose now would be as good a time as any to reveal my secret identity to You, the Internet as a Whole. Because, well...why the fuck not?
Take a deep breath.
Here you go:

Yes, it's true. I am the May Queen. Can't you tell how thrilled I am by the whole thing?
If ever there were an example of Photoshop misused, it's this. My only defense is that I had just discovered brushes. I know, I know - how long have I been using this software? But when I saw the post on Dooce about Jason Gaylor's foliage brushes (used here with wild abandon), I started to investigate the other brushes I had no idea existed in Photoshop. I took the liberty of abusing many of them in this picture. I'm sure you all had me pegged as the type of girl who would be surrounded by a veritable halo of butterflies.
The xanax has mostly worn off, and I'm spending a considerable amount of time this weekend cleaning the shit out of my office. They just can't get rid of my ass! It's amazing how much bullshit I've accumulated in the six years or so I've been in that office. I dumped the music collection from my work PC onto my iPod today; tomorrow, I'll get the pictures off there, and then clean up the hard drive so there's room for the next person who has the computer (and so they no one sees pictures of me in chaps and has seizures). A gal at work gave me a huge stack of boxes yesterday, too, so I can finish my packing here and see just how much I have to move.
Maybe the xanax hasn't totally worn off, because this post is really going nowhere. But, just to let you know I haven't been taken over by a pod person, let me just say:
That was hollered loudly enough to bust up even the most stubborn kidney stones. For anybody who needs that sort of thing.
Thinking about: I don't have to wake up at 5:30 am on Monday.
Doing: Playing with my iPod.
My attempt at a post:
I suppose now would be as good a time as any to reveal my secret identity to You, the Internet as a Whole. Because, well...why the fuck not?
Take a deep breath.
Here you go:

Yes, it's true. I am the May Queen. Can't you tell how thrilled I am by the whole thing?
If ever there were an example of Photoshop misused, it's this. My only defense is that I had just discovered brushes. I know, I know - how long have I been using this software? But when I saw the post on Dooce about Jason Gaylor's foliage brushes (used here with wild abandon), I started to investigate the other brushes I had no idea existed in Photoshop. I took the liberty of abusing many of them in this picture. I'm sure you all had me pegged as the type of girl who would be surrounded by a veritable halo of butterflies.
The xanax has mostly worn off, and I'm spending a considerable amount of time this weekend cleaning the shit out of my office. They just can't get rid of my ass! It's amazing how much bullshit I've accumulated in the six years or so I've been in that office. I dumped the music collection from my work PC onto my iPod today; tomorrow, I'll get the pictures off there, and then clean up the hard drive so there's room for the next person who has the computer (and so they no one sees pictures of me in chaps and has seizures). A gal at work gave me a huge stack of boxes yesterday, too, so I can finish my packing here and see just how much I have to move.
Maybe the xanax hasn't totally worn off, because this post is really going nowhere. But, just to let you know I haven't been taken over by a pod person, let me just say:
That was hollered loudly enough to bust up even the most stubborn kidney stones. For anybody who needs that sort of thing.
12 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
My urinary tract thanks you.
I do believe that worked on the gravel in my gallbladder too!
I dont usually picture you with butterflies, I always thought of you more as a rainbow girl.
And my heart had a problem in the early hours, so I stopped it dead for a beat or two.
Totally not crap.
I love that picture. No 5:30 alarm on Monday for you. I'll think of you lovingly when mine goes off.
And I love that picture. Remember May Day stories?
Good luck packing all of your stuff.
*gasp* I totally felt that :)
Bucky the May Queen! OK, I can go along with that. I truly find your art work on that pic—even if it was inspired by newly discovered software capabilities—as quite charming.
So they didn’t strip you of your keys—or anything else, including your chaps—and you’ve had the freedom of your office? I can remember if I cleaned out my study at the last church I pastored before or after they stopped paying me; I think it was before.
I hope you’re still popping Xanies per your prescription instruction. I’d hate to find out what would happen if it all got out of your system.
I came.
I saw.
I peed.
Day-um! I thought that loud vibration from up your way was caused by the HOMIES! Or a most huge-est 'gasm hehehe
I TOTALLY need you to come up with a design template for my blog. I bought the Adobe Chreative Suite and I am just sittin' here lookin' at the box. Sigh.
I need yo talents. I will be beggin on my site shortly
How did they get that ring around Rosie whilst she was fucking??
And thanks for the kidney-punch.
Charlotte - I think I may have found my calling: sonic kidney stone buster.
Nugget - Hey, it's damaging sound.
Jess - TOTALLY not crap. I'm listening to it right now. Oh, what a surprise!
(and the rainbows are up my butt...dare you to find 'em)
Nikki - Maybe Granny and Ellie May can come to the next garden party.
And I DO have Rent on my iPod - Broadway and movie cast versions. I also have some cuts from Hedwig. I'm gonna put some Sweet Charity and Man of La Mancha on soon!
Squirl - May Day stories...why does that sound familiar? I remember the name. Was it stories you made up?
Susie - I hope it helped with those nasty pee pee rocks.
SS Nick - without xanax, I'd be...well, not as serene as I have been this week. Heh heh heh. Can you be pulled over for "serene" driving?
Michele in Mich - I think you should have a masthead with an animated version of your avatar picture dancing across the screen. (this is why I've never been hired as a web designer)
Eclectic - it was a nipple ring. Around, you know, "rosie"...
And my kidney shaker worked in the Pacific NW, too? Wow. Don't know my own strength.
I needed a drink not more of the same language I've been using all weekend after the massive hardware failure here this weekend...oh wait, I can't talk geekette with you anymore...
good news very very soon from opera-land. I am atwitter.
and btw, M_in_Mich : I think the homies were having multiples O's and thats what you heard.
I love Tunstall's new album. I apparently amnot the only one. Matt Lauer practically pee'd himself gushing about her on the Today Show. And then went on to look like a schoolboy in heat when he interviewed her.
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