If you hear cackling late at night in Walmart, it's probably me
You know how sometimes you're tired, and your brain isn't quite working at top speed, and you see words and read them wrong?
Ummmm....this one is bad, even for me.

When I first looked this, I read it as:
Kitty Lube
Please don't tell Eeyore, Friday, and Thirteen; I don't want them to get spoiled to the idea that I would actually use lube.
Ummmm....this one is bad, even for me.

When I first looked this, I read it as:
Kitty Lube
Please don't tell Eeyore, Friday, and Thirteen; I don't want them to get spoiled to the idea that I would actually use lube.
11 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
I think I saw something like that when I first glanced at it, too. I don't even want to think about that last sentence.
Sure wish I could post pix here.
Y'know... that would totally ruin the flavor of the popsicles anyway.
Ah! Now I'm putting it all together: in you mind, Bucky, you're thinking of kitty lub could be for those Christmas lights that look like little butt plugs so you can stick 'em in the cats' asses.
yeah they might like that too much, and then you would never get to leave the house.
I am at this blog
now, in all its new bloggy goodness! Please update your bookmarks.
And visit. :)
All I can think is "Meow OW OW OW!"
Yeah, I saw what there was to be seen. Does it come in different flavors. Just askin...you know, for a friend. Yeah.
Hmmm. I first read that as "Penetration Kitty Tube" before I even read your post... and thought nothing of it.
Perhaps I've been reading your blog too long. ;)
Well, SSNick... aren't the kitties always in the tree anyhow??
I love that they give you Washing Instructions for Penetration Kitty Lube.
One can't find good kitty lube these days although I've looked, believe me.
Not that I have a CAT or anything....
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