Pussy galore

I'm not the only one in this house who is addicted to Project Runway. Friday claims to be rooting for Jillian (pictured), but I think he really just watches because he is the cat version of Tim Gunn.

Thirteen, on the other hand, would rather sit in a tunnel than watch Friday's gayboy TV shows.

Friday tries to persuade...

"Come on, Thirteen - you could use a few fashion tips. You're looking a little rumpled there, silly boy."
...but Thirteen is unswayed.

"Not looking, you can't make me look, la la la laaaaa..."
11 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
god i miss cable tv. and sanity. but the cable more. sometimes im not aware the sanity is missing but the cable... ahh its much easier to tell.
Really - someone needs to start a 12-step program for Bravo addicts. Not that I'd go, but it needs to be done.
Thirteen lips!
The exchange between your boys is perfect! All of the pictures are great, but that look on Friday's face in the first one is so cool.
Felix and Oscar would really have been perfect names for them.
Jess - I think I could live without cable, and I've been living without sanity for a while. But if my internet disappeared? I'd wither.
HTGT - The twelve steps would have to be fabulous, and on a catwalk.
Squirl - you made it home quickly! :)
Can I please make a macro out of that last one?
I would like to edit the image to add an amusing caption.
The friend I was going to visit was sick. Go figure. So I came straight home and made a comment here.
Neat story line, Bucky; wonderful kitty pics.
Love the kitty pics! :D
Friday is impeccable. I really feel he'd be happier if we all addressed him as "Sir Friday" though.
Sorry... *sniff*
I'm allergic to cats.
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