The camera has been drinking (not me)

This is the clearest picture in the batch. Frightened yet?
I like to take my camera out at night and snap pictures, lots and lots of pictures, of lights. Yes, people like me are very distracted by shiny things. In fact, I prefer it if I can move the camera so that I get a streak of light to represent the shiny thing of the moment. Some (most) would call it bad photography; I call it shaky shaky fun.

What pirate doesn't want some Arrrrrrrrrrby's?

Deja Vu - the competition is high for those "three ugly girls" spots, especially on Dort Highway.
But I like the blur of lights at night in the city.

I like it when the lights cease to be just lights, and they become candy canes, or neon boomerangs, or flocks of souls that have stopped in for a nightcap on their way to eternity.

And even the arches over downtown Flint can't decide if they're solid structures or Slinkies, lit from within:

And then, just like that, the spirits of the night got on their motherfuckin' bee and rode home.

Sorry. There was just no way to back out of this post gracefully.
20 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
AAAAaaaaiiiiggghhhh! The Slinky song!!! NOoooooooooooooo!
Oooooh! I like the slinky picture.
But, you know what's even better than the slinky song? The LOG Song from Ren and Stimpy!
"What rolls down stairs alone or in pairs
Rolls over your neighbor's dog?
What's great for a snack and fits on your back?
It's Log, Log, Log!
It's Log, Log, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood.
It's Log, Log, it's better than bad, it's good!
Everyone wants a log! You're gonna love it, Log!
Come on and get your log! Everyone needs a Log!"
Ren & Stimpy...good times.
Love the pictures!
I like shiny stuff. :oD
Oh, and nice Tom Waits reference...
And how's yer necktie??? Was it perky for this trip??
Fun night photos.
Oooo! SHINY!
That was just darned near poetic there, Bucky, the whole, "...flocks of souls that have stopped in for a nightcap on their way to eternity."
Hi Circus Kelli, I like shiny things, too.
Would you like to see my slinky?
Mr. B - what, you don't wanna think "It's Slinky, it's Slinky, for fun it's a wonderful toy"?
LadyBug - aaaaaaaaah, Ren and Stimpy. I haven't thought about them in ages. I should really blog about the farting Ren doll I used to play with all the time when I worked at Meijer...
Log. Hahahhaahahhahahaa
M_D - if we could just put Tom Waits in a shiny suit with a Ren and Stimpy tie, life would be perfect, wouldn't it?
LeafGirl - my necktie is asleep. And the carpet needs a haircut, and the spotlight looks like a prison break. Glad you like!
Circus Kelli - exactly! I see you understand my mindset. A little lambrusco before photography doesn't hurt, either.
Eclectic - oops, the poetry musta slipped out when I wasn't lookin'. Usually, my poetry strives to rhyme with words like "bitch" and "fart". I am NOT the classy sister.
Helmet boy - you need to stop pestering poor Circus Kelli like that. The restraining order will NOT be shiny.
Are too!
La lala lalalala I cannot hear you singing lalalalalala
*scans room for Eclectic, hiding water balloon behind him*
SLINKing away huh? Uh huh...
See Mr. B? It IS fun for a girl... AND a boy!
Ok I post pics of lights at night and now you do... Is this cause I stole your meme?
If I look at these and spin in my chair I get dizzy heheheheehehhee
Or maybe its the marker Im sniffin...
Eclectic - don't tell Squirl you said that!
Mr. B - take your hands off your ears - do you want that water balloon to go off right next to your head?
Eclectic again - just make sure you wash that slinkie when you're done having girl and boy fun with it.
Jess - that's right, I stole your lights at night theme. Meme stealer. Shunner of gaudy jewelry. Understudy frog stuffer.
Man...I think I got 'hold of some o' those markers too.
Those markers are some good shit, eh? Try the grape...
All this time I thought I was the classy sister.
I love all the shiny stuff. But the souls stopping by for one last drink was my favorite line, too.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been awake so long that all of those pics look like my present reality.
could that be . . . is it Dort Hwy?? I love the night time shots . . . blurry or not!
Yes! Dort Highway it is (except the arch pix from downtown, of course).
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