You must be a Libra

October 14....why does that date make me think something happens today?
Why do I suddenly have the urge to put on a bicycle helmet and sing "Happy Birthday"?
That's right, you guessed it (or maybe you didn't, but just play along, 'kay?) - it is the birthday, the solemn and sacred birthday, of my brother Tardist. And now that you've all heard the Sandy Duncan tapes, you know just how warm a welcome to extend to him. I'm listening to his song March of the Crippled Parrot as I write this, and I have to say, I find it inspiring.
When I first moved to Flint, Tardist and I spent more hours than anybody could count without an abacus writin' and recordin' our songs and skits, makin' cartoons to send to Hustler, drinkin' Budweiser, and obsessin' over Frank Zappa. Good times!
Now we don't see each other nearly often enough, but we can still pick up right where we left off with the utter foolishness that we've perfected and have sought to patent. Tardist, I know I don't ever tell you this, but I love you, man. Just don't expect any mercy when next I see you.
So please go over to Tardist's blog and wish him a
Happy Birthday!

16 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
Done. What is it that Tardist is playing with in the photo? (No, he is NOT; he is playing BY himself, but he is playing WITH a toy, to which my question refers.)
Susie, I would guess it to be some kind of driving game, but hopefully, later in the day Tardist himself can enlighten us. This picture was, how shall we say, before my time.
I think that was some early 60s version of a simulated flying game that he got for Christmas. As you can tell from his face, he liked it a lot.
Birthday! What we need are some brownies. Holy shit I love me some birthday brownies!
Hey, I baked some cinnamon brownies just last night. And I didn't even know about Tardist's birthday, I just felt like having cinnamon brownies. Must be some kinda ESP...
Cinnamon brownies all around for Tardist's birthday!
Love that first pic too!
I see Tardist has a Piston bobblehead. Does he also have Piston pants?
Squirl - thanks! I guess it took somebody who was actually there to know.
Mr. B - holy shit, you love you some ANY brownies!
Eclectic - he musta sent up the Tardist signal or something. He wanted those cinammon brownies sooooo bad he had to make sure you knew.
Effie - heh heh heh, wasn't that bitchy of me to post that picture? That's what sisters are for.
Susie - why yes, yes he does. He had to knock Rasheed Wallace down and rassle them off him, but they're his prized possession now.
Bucky, yer slippin --- I believe Susie meant "Pist-ON pants"....
*slaps self on forehead so hard it leaves a bright red hand mark*
Thanks for havin' my brain, Eclectic!
*writing on chalkboard 500 times*
I will search Susie's comments for bad puns.
I will search Susie's comments for bad puns.
I will search Susie's comments for bad puns.
I will search Susie's comments for bad puns.
I will search Susie's comments for bad puns.
etc. etc.
eclectic, can you believe her? Thank goodness you were here to catch that.
All this birthday bizness has clearly put me off my game.
i think its the brownies - eclectic, are you SURE you didn't slip us all some "special" brownies?
Joyeux Anniversaire - Froh Geburtstag - Buon compleanno and Boldog szuletesnapot to you, Tardist!
whfropera: *heh heh* That's classified information. Maybe "cinnamon" is code for something else, and maybe it's not. I can neither confirm nor deny. But Bucky does seem to be a bit foggy....
Happy Birthday in:
and Hungarian
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