Sunday, December 18, 2005
Previously on the Cotillion
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- Because I'm so traditional
- Played dirty water from a swordfishtrombone
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- When I grow up
- Told you there was more
- Crossroads
- A few freaky factoids
- Funky monkey

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27 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
Aww but he is just a widdle baby.
The cats puke too, and then its a race between me and hermione to see if I can clean it up before she "helps".
Its not very kiss conductive...
You are so EVIL, in a lovable sort of way!
It's gross when the puke disappears, but not as gross as when I have to clean it up. I say, "Eat it, boy."
Bad dog Snickers looks mighty proud.
Mike - That's always the most fun part. "Do you know where that tongue JUST WAS?"
Jess - I know Snickers would love you, given the chance. And I would warn you if he'd just eaten his puke.
Bear - why thank you! I've always wanted to be endearingly corrupt...
Susie - you know, gross as it is, a part of me secretly thinks it's the best solution, as long as I remember he did it and don't let him get all kissy. And he will always try to sneak a face kiss - it's his mission in life.
You guys are crackin' me up this weekend. This post and the last one were basically thrown out there because I couldn't think of anything substantive, and you guys have taken it and run with it.
Appliance fuckers. ;)
Don't ever change.
Like a self cleaning oven.
With a big wet nose!
Dexter has eaten someone else's vomit.
And, he like to lick the cats' asses.
Eeeew, Snickers!!! I'm a sympathy puker, here. Are you gonna come here and 'clean' it up once you get me going? C'mon, have a heart!!
Oh, Snickers!
Hope you feel better.
:::scratches gently behind ears:::
Good doggie.
Santa kinda has that look in his eye like he KNOWS what just happened.
Freaking gnarly....very funny, but damn, thats gnarly.
Oh, but what a schweeeeet doggie face. Is that the face of a puke-eater?
Don't answer that.
It disappeared, well, that's cool... oh, oh OH! Eww! Yucky yucky! Bleh.
Susie -- I never thought I would say this to you of all people, but here you go: "That's just totally disgusting..."
And Jim -- come ON, you *know* Santa knows when we've been naughty or nice -- 'cept, how do you classify puking, then "cleaning it up"?
Snickers... packed with peanuts or is it puke?
Milkmaid - and a lot more fun than the oven. Nobody expects me to make dinner in the dog!
Torrie - I hope you remember that when Dexter comes in for the kisses.
Eclectic - I'm sure he'd be more than delighted to help out.
M_D - just don't let him kiss you!
Jim - I guess Snickers is still preferable to some kid with a snot waterfall goin' on.
Kylz - if you didn't think so, I'd worry.
Watermelon man - ha! You think it's gross to read about? Even more fun to be there.
Squirl - hahahahahaha, oh, trusting Auntie Squirl, hahahahahahaha!
CKelli - I think that qualifies as naughty and nice yet disgusting.
Spikey1 - peanut puke.
Mr. B - I take it you've decided you don't wanna babysit Snickers after all? it just my imagination, or is Santa giving Snickers an unsolicited breast exam?
Bad Santa!
Mike - your NOT fucking the appliances is duly noted. You see that, people? Stop emailing pictures of your toaster to Mike.
LadyBug - silly Santa. It's supposed to be a PROSTATE exam.
Yeah, no more emailing toaster pics to Mike... he's really more of a shopvac kind of guy...
No babysitting the Recycler of Regurgitation for me please.
(Maybe when it comes out again.)
(If it's brown.)
(You know, and in solid form.)
CKelli - hey, who among us couldnt' find the shopvac devilishly irresistable?
Estefania - Wooooo! Thanks for the heads up. I wasn't sure how fast that would be published, as it was late last week when I spoke with the writer. For the curious, the article can be found online here.
Mr. B - oh, there's always dog poop aplenty. We can save you some.
de-lurking to let you know I saw this!
"Katy Barzedor of Flint, Mich., had no trouble choosing a 2006 calendar for her office wall. She happily paid $15.99 for one featuring 12 photos of Chuck, a mixed-breed dog that lives in Salt Lake City.
"It makes me a little disturbed to want that, but I'm just a huge fan of Chuck," said the 40-year-old systems administrator. She got to know the dog -- whose full name is Former Congressman Henry Buck Chucklesworth -- through the blogs of his owners, Heather and Jon Armstrong."
I'm reflexively popping Altoids in my mouth while reading this post!
PS: I agree with Susie, "Eat it boy!"
Eees that Senta a little espanol looking or ees eet jes me?
What Santa doesn't know can't hurt him. Right?
hehehehe--too bad Snickers hadn't just picked up some little snacks in the litter box hehehe
Mike - Mom always said: "Don't put your dick in the toaster."
Sharon - thanks! I was surpised the article was out so soon, even more surprised that they quoted me. I figured I was one of many customers interviewed. It must have been my use of complete sentences that put me over the top. ;)
Nugget - yeah, made me hyper aware of my own breath, too.
Amy - Eet's a possibility!
SS Nick - that's the thing, though. Santa knows it all. And he WILL wreak his revenge.
KChia - back atcha, chickie! Did you make Santa's dolphin dance? I need to check your site - last post I saw was the loo technology, lol.
Michele in Mich - PREcisely why I don't have cats. ;)
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