The future's so bright...

As you can see, sunglasses are nothing new for me. Here you see my brother Timmy outfitting me with my first pair of shades.
There. Is that cute enough to make up for the fact that I dangled a tampon in y'all's collective faces? I really hope so, because there just might be more in store.
In fact...
something just might...
jump out and say "Merry Christmas!" to you:

Someone, who shall remain nameless, took Kylz' suggestion of a tampon angel to heart and made me this lovely, crafty little darling named the Angel Tamponia. If I had a tree, she would go right at the top of it.
But I don't have a tree. Hmmmm.......
What shall I decorate with this gorgeous little seraphim?
Any suggestions?
26 of you felt the overwhelming need to say somethin':
You were so cute! What the hell happened?!
Oh, Bloggy... not nice...
That's an adorable picture!
Heh, LOVE Angel Tamponia! Too funny! I would never have thought of that...
I think Tamponia should go on your rearview mirror.
Aw, look how cute. The baby pic ain't bad, either ;)
I've always loved that picture. Hadn't thought about it relating to the shades of today.
I think that ornament should go in your office. Bring a little Christmas cheer to work, I always say.
The picture is adorable! I think I will vote with William about the rearview mirror. Everyone should have an angel hanging from their rearview mirror. She will protect you from accidents in one way or another.
I worked with a lady once that made snowmen and santa pins out of panty liners. She proudly wore them at work.
I think Angel Tamponia should get a sister and become some festive earrings.
A brooche. Definitely.
Well, aren't we the crafty one.
Carol Duvalle is gonna be ALL OVER THIS, I'm sure of it.
Mr. B - Alcohol and sex happened. Well, not RIGHT after the picture was taken. A few years after.
CKelli - heh heh heh, I think they used to call those my granny glasses. And some of my readers are definitely more crafty than I am. Though I would not hesitate to plug a leaky rowboat with a tampon...
William - it would make for a great conversation piece if I ever got pulled over, huh?
Susie - I have to say, the Angel Tamponia is cuter every time I look at her. I know that means I need help. Are you accepting new clients? ;)
Squirl - I think Tamponia would fit right in with my Homies and my Janis Joplin.
Nina - "She will protect you from accidents in one way or another." That made me laugh out loud. :)
Kat - oooh, those earrings would kick ass, wouldn't they? I'll have to get with tbe designer...
Eclectic - but what dress would I wear it with? And how many sentences can I end with a preposition on?
MilkMaid - ha! I bet Carol Duvall would have to borrow the materials from a friend, though. I'm guessing she's beyond the Tamponia stage.
Watch out Martha Stewart!
Torrie - actually, this is a little craft Martha and I learned in the slammer.
And just to point out: I did not make the Angel Tamponia. Her wonderful image was sent to me by a reader who shall remain nameless, but not blameless. :)
I am not nearly crafty enough to conceive of or make something like this. But I am wrong enough to love it as if I gave birth to it.
the front door knocker (if you have one)
Annejelynn - well, where else would my knockers be? Not in the back, I'll tell you that! Though it would make slow dancing more interesting...
No tree? Hmmmm how about your "bush"? Back to my hole I go.
I agree with Kat. Make Angel Tamponia a twin...and wear them as earrings.
So festive. So beautiful.
Oh. My. GOSH.
Umm...apparently, that is all, as I am too STUNNED to think of anything clever.
Merry Christmas and a Tampon New Year!
I say this and instantly thought of the Tampon Pillow I saw online awhile back, alas, I can't find the damn thing anywhere now. (Warning: Enter tampon pillow into Google at your own risk)
Spikey1 - Well, you can judge for yourself - here's my bush.
LeafGirl - I have to admit, Tamponia has put me in a holiday spirit unlike any other.
LadyBug - then I have done my job properly. ;)
Memphis Steve - I am officially changing my holiday greeting to match that. I will enjoy the looks on people's faces as they process that...
KChia - I could do guerilla art and T'Angels could mysteriously appear all over the mall...hmmmm...
RitaPita - Tampon Pillow? So is it a pillow filled with tampons, or is it a pillow FOR your tampons? I'm a little frightened and intrigued.
Earrings & Brooch.
That would be the thing to wear to work. :o)
Nice picture!
Well, I knew you'd expect this of me hehehe:
By the way, you can also fashion some wonderfully absorbent slippers for your mom out of maxi-pads! Whether to make them with new or used pads would be dependent upon your relationship with her at the time!
Its a pillow shaped like a tampon. With a string. and a smiley face.
I am on a hunt to find it now. No luck thus far, but I did find a tampon and q-tip snowflake ornament.
Oh I'm diggin' it!
Check out this site:
Now, I want me one of them. I would like to hand it at my desk please.
hang at my desk..not hand..
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