IS a picture worth a thousand words?
When I first started this here place, I didn't have a digital camera, so all my content was written, and generally longer than a lot of my posts you see now. Once I got the camera earlier this year, I started to supplement my written posts with pictures. That was a great new dimension for me - I could show you Snickers right now, Jim right now, me stickin' my horrid tongue out as far as it'll go right now...Immediacy? Instant creative gratification? Count me in.
And then I found the beauty of usin' graphics as blog filler on days when I didn't have the time to write, or my muse was holdin' out on me - even then, I can always wring out a smartass sentence or two, or a title. That, too, made me feel better; it seemed like more responsible upkeep of the joint to post a picture than to post nothin' on a given day. Yes, I just used the word "responsible" in reference to myself and this site. I think it's safe to say it's time to start drinkin', if you haven't already.
Now I look back through my archives, because I'm just that narcissistic, and I see what seems to me to be a large ratio of pictures to text. Makes me wonder if I haven't become genuinely neglectful of my writing, and writing is what I came here to do in the first place. Should I ditch the pictures and take this thang back to its wroughly written wroots?
Then the clearest of the voices in my head stage whispers to me: "Fuck that shit!"
And it's right. Fuck that shit. I love to take and post pictures, and though I have no idea what I'm doin' with the camera, and a fancy camera with settings I could change would likely confound me, I just like to be able to post illustrations of what's goin' on or what catches my eye at any given moment. And if I can make my family and friends uncomfortable with my doctored-up Photoshop monstrosities, well...bonus! One of the things I really enjoy about this forum is that I can truly put on a multimedia presentation here. I get to write, post photos, post borderline "artwork", do audio blogs, and if I'd spring for the subscription to Audioblog and some conversion software, I could even make movies and post 'em here. Makes me feel all warm and fungusy to know I have so many options for messin' with the Internet as a Whole.
So, yeah, I'll still be comin' at you from all directions. When you least expect it, there I'll be, up your butt, with a camera.
I just love to get a good grip on the saddlehorn.